3 Signs You May Need Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

All you need to do is just mention to someone that you are getting your wisdom teeth, and they will likely cringe and give you immediate sympathy. These teeth, which grow in behind your back molars typically in your teenage years or early adulthood, thus the name “wisdom teeth,” are known to cause pain, swelling and a host of other problems. But how do you know if you need wisdom teeth removal? Read on for three signs that it’s time for you to get your wisdom teeth removed.

 1. You Have Pain, Swelling, and Redness in the Back of Your Mouth, Behind Your Molars.

Nobody likes teething. Not babies, not toddlers and not adults. Wisdom teething can be even more painful, though, because, from an evolutionary standpoint, our mouths are really only designed to hold 28 teeth. Wisdom teeth, which likely come in because our ancestors lacked the oral hygiene and soft food diets we have today and lost teeth in early life, bring our total tooth count to 32 – a number that most adult mouths cannot accommodate.

When you’re getting your wisdom teeth, it is common for you to experience significant pain, swelling, and redness in the back of your mouth, behind your molars. If you are experiencing these symptoms, it’s highly likely that it’s time for you to visit an oral surgeon.

 2. Your Wisdom Teeth Are Impacted

Because most adults’ mouths don’t have room for their wisdom teeth, they sometimes become impacted, meaning that your jawbone or neighboring molars are preventing your wisdom teeth from coming in. If you have impacted wisdom teeth, you will need wisdom teeth removal to prevent the pain that comes with wisdom teeth impaction, as well as potential crowding or misalignment of your existing teeth.

 3. You Are Developing Oral Infections

If your wisdom teeth are erupting and cutting through your gums, they are exposing your gums and jawbone to bacteria. This bacteria can grow, causing oral infections in your mouth that result in bad breath, a bad taste when chewing food, and swelling and redness of the gums. If you are cutting your wisdom teeth and you have these signs of oral infection, it is time for wisdom teeth removal.

What is Wisdom Teeth Removal Like?

At Union Oral Surgery, we understand that many of our patients are uncomfortable with dental procedures and that terms like “wisdom teeth removal” can cause anxiety and fear. This is why we do our very best to make all of our patients as comfortable as possible throughout the entire procedure.

When you come to Union Oral Surgery for wisdom teeth removal, you will receive a local anesthetic to numb your gums. Many patients also choose to have light sedation or anesthesia, so they are either unaware or unconscious during the procedure.

Once you are numbed and sedated to your level of comfort, your oral surgeon will remove your wisdom teeth. The exact removal procedure will depend on your wisdom teeth removal needs – whether your wisdom teeth have already erupted or are impacted. After your procedure, you will be numb for several hours and will be prescribed painkillers to help with the pain after the local anesthetic wears off.

If you received sedation during your wisdom teeth removal, you will be unable to drive yourself home after your procedure and will need to arrange for transportation with a friend or family member. It’s recommended that you ice your jaws after wisdom teeth removal to reduce swelling and that you do not smoke or suck on a straw or slurp liquids, as doing so can cause dry sockets – a painful complication of wisdom teeth removal that requires additional intervention from your oral surgeon.

How Can I Learn More About Wisdom Teeth Removal?

If you think you need wisdom teeth removal, it’s best that you visit Union Oral Surgery for a full oral examination. During this examination, x-rays may be taken to determine the position of impacted wisdom teeth and your oral surgeon will listen to your concerns about your wisdom teeth growth.

To schedule an appointment at our Monroe or Mint Hill office, call us today at (704) 291-7333.