No Pain, Big Gain

Pain is a primary concern for most patients who are about to undergo oral surgery. We understand. We’ve been there. From medication that can calm your nerves before a procedure to sedation and local anesthesia at our office, you can rest easy knowing we will always keep you comfortable and as pain-free as possible.

Our options for anesthesia include:

  • Traditional numbing (local anesthesia)
  • Oral sedation
  • Nitrous oxide
  • General anesthesia sedation
  • On-site board-certified anesthesiologist, when needed

Anesthesia Safety & Experience

At the initial consultation, our doctor will work closely with the patient to determine the appropriate anesthesia needed for maximum patient comfort while in our office. Union Oral Surgery has the technology, skill, and expertise to carry out procedures and administer anesthesia safely and comfortably :

  • Oral surgeons Steven Patty, DDS, and Kelley Lybrand, DDS, are fully licensed and qualified to deliver general anesthesiology sedation for our patients. Having completed anesthesia training during their residencies and having cared for thousands of patients over the years, they offer a safe and well-equipped setting for those who request or require sedation.
  • Dr. Patty is a fellow of the American Dental Society of Anesthesiology and is also board certified by the National Dental Board of Anesthesiology. All of our qualified dental assistants hold certification with DAANCE (Dental Assistants Anesthesia National Certificate Examination).
  • When a patient’s age or medical condition requires additional expertise, we have an on-site board-certified anesthesiologist to assist with administering general anesthesia. This makes it possible for these patients to undergo their procedures in our office instead of having to travel to a separate surgical facility.

Preparation Is Essential

When it comes to general anesthesia, in which a patient is completely unconscious, advanced preparation is the key to safety. You should never undergo general anesthesia without a  thorough clinical review of your medical history. Clearance from your primary care physician may also be advised. At Union Oral Surgery, we plan thoroughly in advance for any scheduled procedure requiring general anesthesia and would never perform that procedure the same day as a patient’s first office visit.

Anesthesia Videos

Watch our board-certified anesthesiologist, Phillp Walk, MD, describe the anesthesia services available in our offices for patients undergoing oral surgery.

Watch our video to learn what you should do before undergoing a procedure with IV sedation.