How Long Will I Have To Be Off Work After Having Wisdom Teeth Removal Surgery?

When patients hear the words, “wisdom teeth removal,” a lot of things may come to mind. First, they may be thinking about the pain that is typically associated with wisdom teeth erupting in the first place. Or perhaps they are wondering whether or not their wisdom teeth will come in at an angle or impacted, causing their existing teeth to move or misalign, thus affecting their smile. And they might also be fearfully thinking about the process of having wisdom teeth removed, and be afraid of the oral surgery

Some patients wonder how much downtime and recovery is needed for wisdom teeth removal, and how long they’ll have to take off from work or school to recover from oral surgery.

The Wisdom Teeth Removal Process

Wisdom teeth removal is considered major surgery. You will first be given a local anesthetic to numb your gums. Many patients also choose a form of sedation dentistry so that they are either conscious, minimally aware of the surgery, or completely asleep. Whatever your wishes are, the oral surgeons at Union Oral Surgery will do whatever it takes to make you completely comfortable during your procedure.


After your wisdom teeth have been extracted, you will experience pain, swelling and perhaps even some bleeding. A thin layer will begin to form over the extraction sites, and to keep that layer from breaking and causing dry sockets – a painful complication to wisdom teeth removal – you must eat a soft food and liquid diet, not brush your teeth for 24 hours, not smoke, not slurp and not suck through a straw.

After patients undergo wisdom teeth removal, they are encouraged to take prescription painkillers or recommended over-the-counter painkillers and ice their jaws to reduce pain and swelling. It is also recommended that they rest, and rinse their mouths out with salt water frequently to help prevent an infection from forming.

Resuming Your Normal Activities After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Most patients can resume their normal activities about 24 to 48 hours after the procedure, including going back to work or school. However, some may experience more severe pain, swelling and bleeding, and need to take additional time off of work. It all depends on your unique case and experience.

While it’s normal to have these symptoms after having wisdom teeth extracted, if you experience pus discharge, or severe pain or fever after your oral surgery, you should call your oral surgeon immediately as you may be developing a complication that requires further intervention.

Learning More

The best way to learn more about wisdom teeth removal is to talk to an oral surgeon. If you are getting your wisdom teeth and feel like it’s time to have them removed, call our Monroe or Mint Hill offices to schedule a dental appointment and examination today at (704) 291-7333.